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 White Spirit  

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“Wherever awakened white people are gathered together in my Spirit, there am I in the midst of them.” 

                                               ~ Ramar, new White Avatar



     Heil unto thee, my beloved white kindred!

     You woke to your race and learned that you have an ancestral past, and a present filled with millions of kin. But the final frontier is where the familiar real world implodes through the looking-glass, gets sucked into a black hole, or disappears down a rabbit-hole, and we discover a new realm behind it, beyond it, or at the bottom of it. If you wake to your Spirit you’ll enter a land beyond time where our ancestors still live, communing with the White Gods of the Golden Age.

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     Connecting with Spirit is the ultimate red pill, and the most exact parallel with the symbolism in the Matrix films. The normal world there was a cyber-simulation, and physical life was the real world you entered when you took the red pill. But here outside the movies the whole material universe is a simulation on a larger scale, and taking the Spirit-pill delivers you to a vaster sector of reality which generates and controls the mundane realm just like physical program-mers create video games, social media platforms, and the whole internet. And once you make the leap you can develop godlike superpowers to wield in the material matrix, just like Neo did on that level of the paradigm. Such things take time and discipline, of course, but the first step is instantaneous: you only have to ask and it will be given!

     Nevertheless, this simple childlike act is very hard for the majority of people because it requires a kind of inner surrender, a willingness to suspend your disbelief and to humble yourself before a Higher Power. The people who find it easiest to connect with Spirit are those who need help with a problem or affliction. But you don’t have to be at the end of your rope; life is a challenge for everyone, and for awakened whites more than most. You can make an effort to call Spirit into your life in the unique form it takes for people of the white race. There are many words for the act: evocation, invocation, supplication, prayer.

     The best place to do it is a natural outdoor setting, but Spirit is accessible anywhere. You can use any words or thoughts you like, as long as they’re sincere; but we respectfully offer the following supplication as a model or suggestion:


Spirit of the race that sired me,

Come into my life and inspire me!

Fill my mind with your light and my heart with your love.

Show me you’re real! Come down from above!

I pledge my troth to my kin and to all of our folk,

To those still asleep and those who awoke.

Show me my duty to them and to you.

I ask but a spark to know that you’re true!


     When individuals awaken to Spirit, they may seek the company of kindred souls in a spiritual community. Here’s the one that formed to herald the White Avatar:


The Kin of Aries

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